Key visual release notes

New Axanto Release 3.53.1


The new version 3.53.1 is now available. This version brings some new features.

The features inluded in this release:


  • Create new offerings completely in Axanto with the visual offering editor, including activities, relations etc. (MYOP-2873, MYOP-2874)
  • Save changes asynchronous for a better user experience (MYOP-2888)

Patch Manager

  • Sync devices from InTune (MYOP-2880)

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Attention: The database schema has to be updated for the new release!

Release notes – Axanto – 3.53.1

New Feature

MYOP-2873 [PO] Migrate request offerings from SCSM to native Axanto

MYOP-2874 [PO] Create visual editor for offerings

MYOP-2880 [PM] Sync devices from Intune

MYOP-2888 [PO] Save to SCSM asynchron to boost performance

MYOP-2889 [PO] Use seperate configuration for publishing workflow events

MYOP-2890 [PO] Enhance informations about running jobs (description)