New Axanto version: 3.39.1


The new version 3.39.1 is now available. This version brings new features and fixes some bugs..

The highlights inluded in this release:

Axanto Portal

  • Add localized tooltips and required messages for relations (MYOP-2636)

Axanto Service Designer

  • Implement REST API endpoint for mass import of services (MYOP-2632)

Axanto Patch Manager

  • Fix an error if an exclude rule is present on our managed device collections (MYOP-2645)

The new version can be downloaded here. If you have not yet received the download password, please simply contact

Attention: The database schema has to be updated!

Release notes – Axanto – Version 3.39.1


MYOP-2645 [PM] Error adding a device to a collection if e.g. an exclude rule is present

MYOP-2642 [PO] Search for all relations (EF) no longer working

MYOP-2641 [PO] Fields with a number as first character can not be searched / displayed from Solr


MYOP-2644 [PO] Renaming myoperations to new name Axanto

Release notes – Axanto – Version 3.39.0


MYOP-2639 [PO] Trim feature not working in offerings

MYOP-2635 [PO] Sort config for relation search in entity framework not respected

MYOP-2634 [PO] New service tree leafs are duplicated with every save

MYOP-2633 [PO] MaxCardinality parameter for relations not working as expected

MYOP-2631 [PO] Service Map in SCSM no longer working for Services with special signs

MYOP-2630 [PO] Enum fields are not marked required correctly

MYOP-2628 [PO] Deleting of SCSM entities not working

New Feature

MYOP-2640 [PM] Allow to save installed software and pending updates in Solr for each machine

MYOP-2638 [PO] Resolve user of groups for notify message for better performance

MYOP-2637 [PO] Introduce solr index name in configuration for better handling in clusters

MYOP-2636 [PO] Add localized tooltips and required texts to relations

MYOP-2632 [SD] Create import api for mass import of services

MYOP-2629 [PO] Save defined properties of relation in service offerings to user input instead of display name