Key visual release notes

New Axanto Release 3.43.2


The new version 3.43.2 is now available. This version brings some new features and important fixes.

The highlights inluded in this release:

Axanto Portal

  • Enhancing the dashboard for smoother user experience (MYOP-2752, MYOP-2730)
  • Allow subqueries for list views (MYOP-2732)
  • Further enhancing charts (MYOP-2743)

Axanto Patch Manager

  • Allow to generate the generic statistic for a defined colleciton (MYOP-2731)

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Release notes – Axanto – 3.43.2


MYOP-2748 [PO] Required relation shown as field is invalid even after relation is selected

MYOP-2750 [PO] Textarea autogrow no longer working

MYOP-2751 [PO] Layout of tables no longer working

MYOP-2755 [PO] Error saving template with different most derived class used for relation

MYOP-2756 [PO] Error selecting enum on touch devices

New Feature

MYOP-2752 [PO] Redesign dashboards for less “jumpy” design

MYOP-2753 [PO] Allow to define sort order for global search if filterted to a specific type

Release notes – Axanto – 3.43.1


MYOP-2733 [PO] Link overlay in richtext editor not shown in localized messages

MYOP-2737 [PO] Fix change detect and read / unread display for Notify messages

MYOP-2738 [PO] Full text search no longer works for computer names containing “-“

MYOP-2741 [PO] (Quick) actions in offerings no longer working

MYOP-2742 [PO] Allow to set private comment as default for new comments

MYOP-2744 [PO] Actions are not correctly regenerated for selected entities

New Feature

MYOP-2730 [PO] Allow to define tooltips for dashboard tabs

MYOP-2731 [PM] Allow to define a collection for the software update group in generic statistic job

MYOP-2732 [PO] Allow to define solr subqueries in list views

MYOP-2734 [PO] Redesign change detection for notify rules

MYOP-2735 [PO] Allow file and custom protocols for links in rich text editor

MYOP-2736 [PO] Allow to prevent duplicate notify rule execution on an entity

MYOP-2743 [PO] Allow to define regex patterns for color match in custom chart data sets